

2. Elderly Care and Support Program:
Project Description: This program will provide essential care and support services to the elderly in Shinyanga, including healthcare, nutrition, and social interaction. The program will also advocate for the rights of the elderly and promote their inclusion in society.

Impact: This project will improve the quality of life for the elderly in Shinyanga and ensure that they are treated with dignity and respect.

1. Women’s Entrepreneurship Training Program:
Project Description: This program will provide women in Shinyanga with the skills and knowledge they need to start and run their own businesses. The program will cover topics such as business planning, marketing, financial management, and access to capital.

Impact: This project will empower women to become financially independent and contribute to the economic development of Shinyanga.

3. Advocacy and Awareness Campaign:
Project Description: This campaign will raise awareness about the challenges faced by women and the elderly in Shinyanga and advocate for their rights. The campaign will use a variety of methods, such as public forums, media outreach, and community mobilization.

Impact: This project will contribute to a change in attitudes and behaviors towards women and the elderly in Shinyanga, leading to a more inclusive and equitable society.

4. Educational Scholarships for Girls:
Project Description: This program will provide scholarships to girls from low-income families in Shinyanga to enable them to attend school and pursue their education.

Impact: This project will empower girls to break the cycle of poverty and achieve their full potential.

5. Skills Training for Youth:
Project Description:

This program will provide skills training to youth in Shinyanga, enabling them to find employment and contribute to the economic development of the region.

Impact: This project will reduce youth unemployment and contribute to a more prosperous future for Shinyanga.

Area of Operation:

The Women and Elderly Advocacy and Development Organization (WEADO) is legally registered to work in mainland Tanzania. Currently, the organization operates in Shinyanga Region, covering four districts: Shinyanga Municipal Council, Shinyanga Rural District Council, Kahama Town Council, and Kishapu District Council.

Target Group:  Women, Elders, widows, Girls, Children and Orphans.

Become a volunteer

Join us for a better life and beautiful future

Come and join us as we make a real difference in the lives of women and the elderly from Shinyanga! Together, we can support them in reaching for their dreams and empowering them to see the world in a more positive light. By spreading positivity and support, we can uplift their spirits and help them live their best lives yet. Join us on this fulfilling journey and witness the lasting impact of our work! Let us together inspire those around us and help create a better world. Remember, every small action counts towards making a big difference. Let’s do this!